How to fill out and sign a direct deposit form

  1. Download the Movavi form filler.
  2. Open a fillable direct deposit form in PDFChef by Movavi.
  3. Complete the direct deposit form and sign the document.
  4. Save the finished form.
  5. Print the direct deposit form or email it.

By clicking the download button, you're downloading a trial version of the program.*

What is a direct deposit form?

Edited by Ben Jacklin

A direct deposit form is an authorization form that states that you give permission for your employer, payroll company, or another third party (like the IRS) to deposit money directly into your bank account. By filling out the form completely, you not only authorize a specific third party to make deposits for you, but you also give them your bank account number, routing number, and any other information they need to perform an ACH deposit for you. That’s why your employer might sometimes require you to include a canceled check along with your authorization. This will ensure that they have proof that you’re the owner of the account, as well as authorizations to make deposits on your behalf.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to download a standard form and how to fill out a direct deposit form. With a tool like PDFChef from Movavi, you can easily fill out your direct deposit info for your employer, so you can start receiving your pay directly to your account – with no need to go to the bank to deposit your funds. Click below to get started with PDFChef and to get a free sample form.

How to fill out a direct deposit form

1. Download a blank direct deposit template using the button above.

2. Print your direct deposit form or download PDFChef by Movavi to fill it out on your computer.

3. Fill in the area labeled “account holder’s name” and “address” with your full name and address. If you choose to fill out a paper copy of your deposit form, be sure to print all information legibly. It’s usually a good idea to fill out these forms on your computer to ensure no one can misinterpret what you wrote.

Disclaimer: The templates here are provided for reference only, and should not be taken as legal advice. You should always talk to a professional for legal matters.

4. In the spaces available, fill in your bank or credit union’s name, your bank account number, and your routing number. If you’re unsure about your account number or routing number, you can find them on one of your checks from your bank. Your routing number will be a 9-digit number on the bottom left corner of the check. Next to it, separated by a space, you’ll find your account number (typically up to 17 digits).

5. Check the appropriate box (“checking” or “savings”) to determine which type of account you want your funds deposited to. If you choose to have your funds split between multiple accounts, you’ll need to include this information in the form and attach a cancelled check for each applicable account.

6. You’ll see a blank space provided before “Company Name.” Use this space to enter the name of the company that will be depositing your paychecks for you.

7. In the “Employee’s signature” section, sign your name (you may be able to e-sign if you’re filling out the form on your computer) and fill in the date.

8. Submit your completed form to your employer, their payroll company, or their HR department. You may need to scan your printed copy, or they may ask you to mail it or deliver it in person. Or you may be able to submit the form by email. This will depend on your employer’s preferences.


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* The trial version of PDFChef by Movavi has the following restrictions: 7-day trial period, watermark on the output PDF.

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